"Capitalism: A Love Story," Michael Moore's look at the high cost of free enterprise on average Americans. Critics and pundits can fact-check and argue the fine print of this film until they're blue in the face, but the state of this nation -- where 1 percent of Americans control more wealth than the bottom 95 percent combined -- speaks for itself. Moore's inimitable style assures that this film will only preach to the choir, but I wish it were mandatory for all Americans so they learn about the way Citigroup -- which took $45 billion in handouts from the taxpayers -- giddily boasts about the United States' being a "plutonomy" (their only regret? that those of us in the bottom 95 percent have equal power to the rich on Election Day), the "dead peasant" life insurance policies many corporations take out on their employees (you die, they profit) or the Second Bill of Rights FDR proposed for Americans but died before achieving -- a job with a living wage, freedom from unfair competition and monopolies, a home, medical care, education and recreation -- rights that we made standard in our rebuilding of Europe after World War II, but never bothered to ensure for ourselves. My only complaint is that the film left me with an unbearable sense of helplessness rather than even a hint of inspiration, and not even the clever Mr. Moore seems to have any ideas on how to turn that around.
[Via Kenneth in the 212]
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