Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mission: Blog

So, I've been trying to come up with some sort of direction or theme for the blog but don't want to limit myself.  I think one of my main reasons in doing this was as a cathartic release.  A place I could express myself, no censoring, no apologies.  Just me, my thoughts, hopes, dreams, rants, raves, opinions (they're always right you know! lol) passions or just to pass along things I find here and there on the interweb.  I wanted a place I could be myself in other words.  A place I could be a dad, a bi-polar mess, an artist, a critic, a queer, a free spirit, a cook, a poet, a photographer......a butcher, a baker & candlestick maker.

This is the niche I will carve for myself as I continue through this mortal coil, as I  grow,  transmutate & learn.....I am ever changing in some regards and I love that part of me, other parts remain unchanging and stagnant and so here will be my joys, my sorrows, my laughter and maybe my tears....though it's hard to shed  any these days, try as I might.

I hope to continue to evolve and learn, to find something out about myself and if I have a few of you along for the journey, a few like minded, misguided, crazy,twisted, loving, fucked up souls....then all the better.  Feel free to post here as well, to challenge, disagree, enlighten, share or praise....I look forward to the feed back & contributions.  Welcome.



  1. You are an amazing and brave person. Most people keep their feelings to themselves and (I believe) at their own peril. So good on you honey for creating a space for yourself. I look forward to reading your posts!

  2. Thanks, babe! I will forge ahead and hopefully, along the way, others may find some things both helpful and humorous. Your support, feed back & encouragement are appreciated and necessary to make this work.
